I just have to laugh, I am nowhere near the south, even though my son claims being a 1/4 southern due to my mother being from the south, family up here is just as messed up and complicated, and well exhausting. oh well it will be Feb. soon (I hope) then I can get back to “normal” life, whatever that is.

congrats on freshly pressed, and am now following you, yeah just what you need a displaced 1/2 southerner following you lol

Yeah And Another Thing...

You know how you think your family is crazy? You’re right. They are. You are the only sane one and you’re pushing the rock of sagacity uphill. Both ways. In the snow. Give in. Just give in.

There’s a yard sign I’ve seen around the internet that says something to the effect of how in The South we don’t hide our crazy. We put it out on the porch and give it a cocktail. There’s a reason for that, but it has less to do with embracing eccentricity and more the fact that there’s only so many people a house can hold. Not that the porch is really any better. Getting all your crazy kin out there with cocktails only ensures the porch will collapse and kill all your dogs.

My cousin Sharon says that while she wasn’t born in The South, she got here as soon as she could…

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Categories: business basics
  1. December 6, 2012 at 5:16 pm

    Really funny post!

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